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Re: [wg-c] Cartesian rationalism v. Internet evolution

Kent Crispin wrote:

> Furthermore, while it seems that short memorable names are popular,
> there is a disturbing circularity there -- if long names were the
> only ones available, then long names would be popular.

Thanks, Kent, for the best laugh I've had today!

Let's see.....if there was only one candidate running for President,
then that candidate would be the "most popular."

If there were only one brand of soap and all consumers had to
buy it, then who could complain--it would be the most "popular" brand!

I think we have a good idea now of what kind of philosophy motivates
your policy proposals. It may be shared by some, but it is not a
philosophy that most people on this working group are likely to
accept. Can we start discussing concrete proposals that are
acceptable to the majority of the group?

m i l t o n   m u e l l e r // m u e l l e r @ s y r . e d u
syracuse university          http://istweb.syr.edu/~mueller/