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[nc-budget] Invoice for AFNIC services to the DNSO in year 2000

As you will recall, earlier this year, at the request of the Budget
Committee, the Names Council approved an expenditure of $59,000 to AFNIC for
the services that AFNIC had provided to the DNSO during 2000.  The DNSO's
actual payment to AFNIC was made contingent upon AFNIC's meeting three
conditions, however.

In the attached notice, AFNIC advises us that they have met the three
conditions and now ask that full payment be made to them.

In my judgment, their no-charge service along with the attached documents
meets the conditions that we imposed on the payment to them, particularly
given that we did not specify any details on these conditions (e.g. we did
not make the meeting of these conditions by AFNIC subject to our being
satisfied with the details.) and there is no dispute over the fact that the
DNSO has owed AFNIC $59,000 for over six months.

Since this appears fairly straightforward to me, I will not ask for the
Committee's affirmation.  

However, if any member of the Committee objects to our accepting these AFNIC
materials and making payment to AFNIC, then I will ask for a Committee vote.

So please let me know by 17 October if you have any objections to making
immediate full payment to AFNIC. 

Roger J. Cochetti
Senior Vice President & Chief Policy Officer

-----Original Message-----
From: Elisabeth Porteneuve [mailto:Elisabeth.Porteneuve@cetp.ipsl.fr]
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 4:48 PM
To: rcochetti@verisign.com
Cc: Eric BARBRY; jean-yves.babonneau@nic.fr; annie.renard@nic.fr;
elisabeth.porteneuve@nic.fr; benoit.guignard@nic.fr
Subject: Invoice for AFNIC services to the DNSO in year 2000

To: Roger Cochetti
NC Budget Committee Chair,

Paris, 26 September 2001

Dear Roger,

Please find attached three documents:
    1. Invoice for AFNIC services to the DNSO in year 2000
    2. Introduction letter related to 3 conditions attached to this invoice
    3. A document prepared in July 2001 by Eric Barbry, AFNIC Legal Counsel,
stating a nonexclusive transfer of the software and the intellectual
property rights to the software developed by myself for DNSO usage.

The third document was sent to Louis Touton on 26th July.

I am confident these three documents satisfy the request from the Budget
Committee presented to AFNIC and myself. Please let me know if any further
clarifications are needed.

My best regards,
Elisabeth Porteneuve




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