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RE: [nc-budget] Re: [council] Motion: Alternative Solutions to lowerthe expenses of DNSO


I respect your (non-commercial, developing country, low budget) position, as
I worked for UNIDO for 5 years, doing great things in developing countries,
for low (grant) funds.

However, ICANN is a business, and a VERY IMPORTANT one. Volunteer efforts
are commendable, but volunteer efforts can not be held accountable as there
is no contract, payment, and guarantee of service.

We need to contract for the services we need. That way, we can control the
deliverables, and hold the service contractor accountable.

In ccTLD, we donate to the maintenance of our secretariat, and we "hustle"
sponsors for our meetings, for the lunch, for the administration of the
meetings, etc. Our workers in our secretariat need to make a living wage,
and have certainty of employment. So we make sure we pay them!

We are in business, Vany, and we need to act accordingly.

Now as to sponsors and donors, I am totally in favor of that. That is why
and how we (the NC) have developed the concept of a "voluntary fund" to hire
a "policy officer" or professional executive to be the "point person" and
deal with media, speaking engagements, etc.

Bottom line- I support "donations" and "sponsorships", and I support fully
paid staff to do the work we need done. I do NOT support using volunteers to
perform any mission-critical  tasks for us. (the NC)


peter de Blanc

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-council@dnso.org [mailto:owner-council@dnso.org]On Behalf Of
Nilda Vany Martinez Grajales
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 8:01 PM
To: nc-budget@dnso.org
Cc: council@dnso.org
Subject: RE: [nc-budget] Re: [council] Motion: Alternative Solutions to
lowerthe expenses of DNSO

Hi Peter:
El vie, 20 abr 2001, Peter de Blanc escribi�:
> The secretariat is out for bid now, or will be soon. We are on AFNIC until
> we find a new one...

Peter:  Yes, this is correct.  But also it would be nice if we can find an
organization that do this voluntarily as AFNIC made this for one year.  I
proposed to the Search and Budget Committee in the past to Separate Internet
Services from Secretariat Services.  For both I think we can search
organizations and/or sponsors (as for example, the funds we are trying to
from Verisign..right?)

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