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[wg-review] Secretariat emendation

Since there is a nominal DNSO Secretariat function being performed by
Elisabeth Porteneuve, I have made a chage to the latter part of the

Issue 6) Staffing/Secretariat:

To date the NC (and the GA generally), have relied mostly on
volunteerism for the production, organization, collation, and
distribution of all pertinent documentation and other information
relevant to the DNSO as a whole.  A concern of many of the members of
WGr is the resulting inefficiency with regards to the easy
accessibility/availability and distribution of documents/ information
pertaining to the various purposes, processes, procedures and programs
of the NC, and the DNSO in general.  Also, concern has been expressed
over a perceived lack of responsiveness to general inquiries, and other
requests for information and/or (re)production of relevant material(s)
and/or media.  Generally speaking, there was a good deal of support for
a dedicated and smooth functioning secretariat for the DNSO among the
WGr membership.    Historically, most (if not all) of the general DNSO�s
Secretariat function has been performed by Elisabeth Porteneuve, who is
also a sitting Member of the NC.  It should not be incumbent upon any
member of the NC to perform in such a capacity.


Sotiris Sotiropoulos
        Working Chair, WG Review

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