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RE: [wg-review] Resumption of Review.

Endless debate is just that - endless.
Unless there is a vote nothing will be shown.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-wg-review@dnso.org [mailto:owner-wg-review@dnso.org]On
Behalf Of Cade,Marilyn S - LGA
Sent: 14 February 2001 17:25
To: 'Bret Busby'; Greg Burton
Cc: Sotiropoulos; wg-review@dnso.org
Subject: RE: [wg-review] Resumption of Review.

I support the idea of summarizing. I think that voting will only show how
few folks are participating.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bret Busby [mailto:bret@clearsol.iinet.net.au]
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 10:20 AM
To: Greg Burton
Cc: Sotiropoulos; wg-review@dnso.org
Subject: Re: [wg-review] Resumption of Review.

Greg Burton wrote:
> At 05:38 AM 2/14/01, Sotiropoulos wrote:
> >Mr. Chair,
> >
> >In other words, are you prepared to continue with the mandate
> >granted you by the majority of the the voting
> >members of the WGr, to complete the task you
> >originally took to hand?
> Of course. I'm quite perplexed as to why you seem to think that not
> to this list for two days is abandonment. I'm also perplexed as to why
> there were so few posts about General Assembly questions, and none about
> the Names council questions. I'm perplexed as to why so few people posted
> comments on the task force report, too. As to the status of the WG, we're
> still operating, if there are people left who have something to say on the
> topics.
> Off list, several members of the WG have expressed concern in the last
> couple of days about votes. Their concern has been based on appearance is
> that there are so few members left that any vote will simply be waved off
> as unrepresentative. The suggestion has been made that we simply try to
> summarize material, and incorporate minority opinions on the summaries
> the report.
> Any comments?
> Regards,
> Greg

Ah, I see that the mailing list has returned to being in English again.

As I had sent a message to each of the chairs, and, to Sotiris, about my
concerns about the operation of the mailing list, and, its nature, and,
no-one bothered acknowledging, let alone replying to, my emails, I am
not surprised that the disregard for members' concerns, has caused the
working group to fall in a heap.

He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword. It appears to have become
a Tower of Babel, and, died accordingly.


Bret Busby

Armadale, West Australia

"So once you do know what the question actually is, you'll know what the
answer means."
 - Deep Thought, Chapter 28 of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
 - Douglas Adams, 1988
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