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Re: [wg-review] 11. IDNH Centers of Interest

Dear Robin,
actually the term holder is correct as I think an owner is also an holder 
and as a technical consulting SO the DNSO Is only concerned with Internet. 
But the term owner seems legitimate in an @large perspective where 
commercial and other interests may be attached which may actually be owned 
by the registrant (TM, process, softwares, machines, etc...)
Only the research on the Domain Name defintion will permit to say if 
someone may own a domain, if it is delegated to him, etc... With an obvious 
impact on the world,  beyond the 198 other IDNO Members.
BTW: Happy new year to you and your fianc�.

On 13:31 11/01/01, Robin Miller said:

> > The 200 odd members of the CA/IDNO support the term owners.
>I don't support the term. I guess that makes it 199 odd members. I 
>remember not
>being alone in my opinion. So strike a few more from the 199.
>all the best, Robin
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