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Re: [wg-review] View from here

Karl Auerbach wrote:
| 2. From where I sit the notion of "pay to play" is quite troubling, being
| nothing more than a hidden poll tax.  As Bret pointed out, the business
| interests (who can easily pay the fees to participate) recoup those fees
| from the users of the net who thus end up paying twice.
| There is a legitimate question of how one pays for DNSO activities.  (My
| own personal belief is that the DNSO ought to be funded out of the domain
| registration revenues system received by ICANN.  But a pre-condition to
| that would be the re-establishment of the DNSO as a well-functioning
| policy organ.)

Hmm, sounds intersting, and recalls me my own ideas, unfortunatelly
rejected by ICANN staff.

I would like to have a system in which a part of domain registration 
revenues perceived by ICANN be dedicated to the DNSO functionning.

Actually, 90 percent of ICANN revenues comes from three among seven
DNSO Constituencies (four of them does not pay anything to ICANN)
and the DNSO is the only one Supporting Organization with a GA open
to everybody. It shall deserve some consideration.

Elisabeth Porteneuve
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