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[wg-e] Fw: Minutes of the Wg-ESession at Cairo
Dear WG-E members,
This is the draft minutes of WG-E meeting in Cairo on
March 7.
The participants list and some specific names should
be updated soon.
Appreciating J�rgen Eder who contributed to taking
notes of this meeting,
I hope if somebody has the participant list and the name of
those who
committed to working on
1. Information Material: Chuck
Gomez(Chair), Zita, YJ,...
2. Seminars for Outreach:
3. Workshop for Awareness: Andrew, Fay,
Kevin, Yumi
4. Funding: Bill Washburn(Chair), YJ...
Please, update this draft minutes.
Minutes: WG-E Awareness and outreach
Tuesday 07.03.2000 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Author of minutes: Juergen Eder (juergen.eder@telekom.de)
Introduction of attending people
1. Overview: Discussion and short presentation of the work done so far.
The "Committee E: Global Awareness and Outreach" document states what WG-E does - what should be done with respect to awareness and outreach by ICANN.
This especially includes people who are not involved in ICANN at all.
There are different reasons for participating, typical questions raised are
Why is it important?
What is ICANN?
How to explain, what is the benefit
Explain the @large Membership of ICANN
Explain the structure of ICANN
Questions being asked:
Who are the targeted people?
People should register, but why?
What do they get out of it?
Some Observations:
The potential audience for the outreach and awareness activities is huge.
Till now there is no clear picture how this audience can be reached.
Liaisons with organisations within ICANN, registrars, registries, IETF and others should be used as one way of communication.
WG-E should provide tools for them to distribute, motivating them to reach their clients.
Result of this group is to answer the question what should be done.
This aim of the WG-E can then be enforced by ICANN.
(some documents already exists at http://www.aptld.org)
2. Information Material:
What kind of informational material should be available?
Best way would be a website, but it is hard to keep it up-to-date.
It seems to be of advantage to coordinate the development of information material.
It is important to have this material in multiple languages.
Multiple languages for distributed material are very important.
It is necessary to have presentation available at the most important languages.
Money is needed for doing this.
Up-to-date information is very important, outdated websites are not attractive for visitors.
Links should be established to up-to-date information hosted by registrars.
There should be an "inviting" internet website, but also pure text based pages for low bandwidth connections for people in regions with low speed Internet access.
Some of the work might be delegated to parties who are willing to provide resources and have an interest to support this (Registries, ISPs, etc.).
Accredited registrars might be a first step to start.
The content developed for websites, videos and brochures should answer at least basic questions like:
What is this all about?
Why should I join?
Why is it important?
WG-E has to focus on certain target audiences within certain regions.
Work is done by:
3. Outreach:
No outreach has been done till now, it seems like some constituencies. have not yet done extensive work on outreach.
Questions raised:
What is the primary scheme of the outreach?
What has been done?
How effective is a video program for the outreach (alternative personal presentation)
Some outreach activities have started in Asia.
Videotape of LA meeting, might not have worked too well because nobody knows who-is-who.
You need to target local people (somebody who will register your domain name). Therefore cooperation with local people is very important.
The following question is most important and is therefore the one to answer:
"Why should I join ICANN?" - WG-E needs to target a group for whom WG-E has the answer to the question.
There is the need for a full time person for one year working on that issues.
The focus should be on the information available threw the website, because other material like video, brochures are not that helpful.
Information should be available in several languages. (One person said that at least in the following languages: English, French, Spanish, Japanese, German).
To provide the information in different languages is very helpful especially if meetings take place in different countries.
Videos are helpful. It is a possibility to identify people and their thoughts/statements.
The question raises two problems:
1. Who are we targeting?
2. How is this managed?
It is very important to find out how to get to the end-user, not only people with regard to registries etc.
Work is done by:
Part 4. Workshop for Awareness:
There should be a newcomer meeting to introduce new attendances of the ICANN Meeting to ICANNs duties, structures etc. (like IETF newcomer session). This workshop should be take place the day before the official start of the ICANN meeting.
The reason for such a meeting is that people attending the ICANN meetings, do not know what is going on, who is responsible for what etc.
Workshops are successful by means of helping people to understand the issues the constituency is in charge of (unfortunately it seems like only the ccTLD is active today).
Interviews (videos) of all directors, chair persons should be made with regards to ICANN issues?
A fellow program should be initiated to establish a group of people that can be used as contact and used as source of information on a regional basis.
Comment: This is not a workshop issue.
Work is done by:
Andre McLaughlin, Fey?, Kevin?, Yuami?
Part 5. Funding:
There is an initial proposal that the budget for 2000 should be 150.000US$ (calendar year).
The budget for 2001 should be 200.000$.
Unfortunately only US companies granted support so far, what might be wrongly perceived as a regional domination.
Report on funding was sent to the mailinglist.
The question was raised, how money from outside the US can be organised.
Coordination for fund raising is needed, because entities possibly might contact the same organisations for funding issues:
Work is done by:
Action items:
Report has to be finished for a first review of the board
Main concern is who the WG-E has to target:
people who know about basics about DNS, Registries, etc.
ordinary users who do not know anything
Two seminars will be held in London Paris on April 1st ,2nd for 6h.:
Targeting audience are small companies, Lawyers, ...
Availability of information material might be useful
Calendar ("calendar of events") should be made about workshops, seminars etc. that will be held this year.
There should be a goal for this year to reach a certain amount of new members.
Work is done by: