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RE: [wg-c] non/for-profit

> How, then, is it that you have suddenly come to what I consider the
> startling conclusion that we are near consensus on this particular
> issue? Are those past opinions to be ignored because they were in the
> past? I haven't seen anybody recanting those positions.

It is highly probable, given the past two years of debates, that such
recantations will never occur, even were they proven false in practice.
Those who hold that position do so on ideological grounds and not
practicable logic. My observation is that it is a "deeply held belief", an
"article of faith". As such, it can not be dislodged by reason or even ...
proven practice. The belief holds the exact same fundamantal flaw
exemplified in Karl Marx's "Communist Manifesto" while it cleaves to the
same ideals. Unfortunately for them, people and society are simply not wired
that way and coercing the evolution of "social man" is currently considered
taboo (Hitler's genocide pales in comparison with Stalin's purges and

The sheer arrogance of this belief is unbounded in that an elite group
presumes to know what is best for the rest of us. Coercion and elimination
of civil liberties, freedom, and redistribution of wealth are the external
hall-marks of this ideology. Rather than simply co-ordinate, this group
chooses to rule. This is in direct contrast to the greatest Libertarian
experiment of the ages ... the free Internet, which is proving unbounded
success due to its Libertarian nature.

No, I don't expect any recantations in either this, or the next, century.
Rather, I expect every attempt to be made to subvert the rightful process. I
expect undaunted zeal in this effort. Calls for recantation are unrealistic
and is the chief reason that unanimity is unreachable. The best that we can
hope for is a consensus among those of us who hold a more libertarian view,
that it is the sum aggregate of efforts that will yield the best result.
But, only if that aggregate view is allowed to be expressed freely,
unfettered, and without restraint. In short, those of us who trust
enlightened self-interest to achieve the best results over-all, should
strive to prevail over the socialist view of constrained and chained