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[wg-c] RE: [ga] Re: Stop the addition of new TLD's - Understand the REA

I hate to sound skeptical, but the fact that you use a hotmail address to address
the forum on these matters raises some rather large credibility issues.

On 14-Nov-99 matt hooker wrote:
> 11/14/99
> To the General Assembly, the DNSO and Working group C:
> Working group C does not have my agreement or consensus that any new gTLD's 
> should be approved. I have noticed a very unsettling attempt to push new 
> gTLD's through as quickly as possible (since I joined the group at the 
> November meetings in Los Angeles), principally for ideological or political 
> reasons; by those who prefer anarchy or chaos to structure, by those who 
> want to upset the existing power srtucture and give power to a new group, by 
> those seeking a kind of revenge against NSI and by those seeking personal, 
> or group economic gain.
> I have been researching, reading the archives and formulating my very 
> persuasive argument which I shall post tomorrow (Monday 11/15) or Tuesday. I 
> believe many serious errors have been made as regards the number and type of 
> TLD's allowed to exist so far; that these errors are limiting what the 
> Internet can be; and most importantly, that they are seriously limiting the 
> ease or facility of human interaction with the Internet, and of human 
> interaction with each other using the Internet.
> These considerations, and these considerations ALONE should guide us in 
> planning for and implementing the future of the Internet, and if necessary, 
> correcting errors made in the past.
> Thus, an immediate moratorium should be placed on the addition of any more 
> TLD's until this issue, and the great deal at stake, is clearly understood 
> by everyone. Within 1 or 2 days I will be sending out a very clear 
> explanation of what has been done that limits what the Internet can be, and 
> what we can do to correct the situation.
> All this talk about new gTLD,s, new registries, whether they should be 
> non-profit or for-profit, ... is really just private agendas, economic, 
> political or ideological usually, put forward by individuals and groups of 
> individuals for individual or group gain. Almost none of it has anything to 
> do with the real task at hand, and will seem almost irrelevant in the face 
> of what I have to say to you on Monday or Tuesday.
> Until Monday or Tuesday,
> Matt Hooker
> matthooker@hotmail.com
> ----Original Message Follows----
> From: Jonathan Weinberg <weinberg@mail.msen.com>
> To: "Rick H. Wesson" <wessorh@ar.com>, wg-c@dnso.org
> Subject: Re: [wg-c] chair
> Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 23:46:03 -0500
> << attach1 >>
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William X. Walsh - DSo Internet Services
Email: william@dso.net  Fax:(209) 671-7934