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RE: WG-C RULES was Re: [wg-c] Short Position Paper

On 10-Oct-99 A.M. Rutkowski wrote:
> At 09:00 PM 10/9/99 , you wrote:
>>     Accordingly, I want to remind everyone that we did institute
>>     a 
>> two-posts-per-day rule.  I trust that everyone (including people
>> who 
>> think the rule is a bad idea) will follow it from now on.
> Jon,
> I will not and challenge it as arbitrary, capricious,
> and effectively closing the discussions.  I hope others
> will join.

Then I hope they will act appropriately to remove your access to
the working group when you ignore it.

> Furthermore, you are minimally obligated to change your
> charters and provide notice - which you have not done.

Notice was provided, quite some time ago now.
Might I suggest that messages about the appropriateness of the
restriction better belong on the GA list, rather than here?

You can object there, but here, the rules stand, agree with them or

William X. Walsh - DSo Internet Services
Email: william@dso.net  Fax:(209) 671-7934
Editor of http://www.dnspolicy.com/