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Re: [wg-c] Retraction of previous proposal

> > Some time this
> > year, we advised potential applicants that we did not know when the gTLDs
> > would be delegated.  We started accepting applications again, but without
> > the nominal $15 charge.
> Keyword: when (as opposed to "if")
> I believe the complaint, and I share it, is that the statement is very
> misleading and continues CORE's history, over the past few
> years, of moving the date ahead while continuing to claim that
> CORE would be first into the root.
> Recent actions like applications for trademarks on already
> used marks just reinforces the scorn.
> Christopher

From http://www.webtld.com
Image Online Design is confident that its .web registry will be among the
first new Top Level Domains added to the Internet's root name servers as
competition is introduced. 

Pot, kettle... you know the rest.
