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SV: [wg-c] Deadlines

Javier and all others, I fully agree that we have to set a new deadline although I am not sure that September 7th is enough. We will more likely need until September 30.

I am convinced that we will be able to present a report by the end of September if only we could be a little more organized in our discussions and stop jumping from subject to subject, spending a lot of time with personal comments on single participants in this working group. We are here together, trying to solve some tricky problems and to deliver a serious report/recommendation. Right?

Being an IP/IT Lawyer, a trademark owner and a domain name holder, I wish to point out that we, the accused "TM people" are not against the addition of new gTLDs as such, what we say is: Be careful, go slow and make sure that before creating any new problems there is a speedy and effective dispute resolution process, a system for protecting famous and well-known trademarks across all gTLDs and an easy and cost-effective system for obtaining full contact information. The addition of new gTLDs must be made in a very controlled manner, and that's why it has to be just a few to begin with.

// Petter Rindforth

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Fr�n: Javier SOLA <javier@aui.es>
Till: wg-c@dnso.org <wg-c@dnso.org>
Datum: den 2 augusti 1999 19:41
�mne: [wg-c] Deadlines

>WG C,
>It is clear that we will have problems meeting our August 9th deadline for
>the three reports that we are supposed to produce. We need to figure out
>another deadline for the working group reports.
>At this point we are just starting the real discussion, and we should give
>this at least a couple of weeks before we start drafting, and then at least
>another couple of weeks for drafting and figuring out consensus on the
>reports. I would propose that we set a new deadline for the beginning of
>I would like to propose Tuesday September 7th.
>Any other ideas ?