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Re: [wg-c] WG Chairs

On 20 July 1999, "Kevin J. Connolly" <CONNOLLK@rspab.com> wrote:

>No weekend voting.
>Kent suggested that we vote openly, on the list.  

That's exactly what I proposed.

>I think that's a good =
>idea.  But the polls should be open for at least one whole "real" weekday =
>(other than a Monday or Friday).

Fair enough.  Change the dates from Fri Jul 23 and Mon Jul 26 to Mon Jul 26
and Wed Jul 28.  I was just trying to move things along, as seems to be
the desire of so many here.  Since it doesn't appear that anyone stops
debating over the weekend, I don't see why this is an issue.  

Mark C. Langston	     			Let your voice be heard:
mark@bitshift.org				     http://www.idno.org
Systems Admin					    http://www.icann.org
San Jose, CA					     http://www.dnso.org