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[wg-b] General Assembly Cairo Meeting on 8 March 2000, agenda
[ To: ga@dnso.org, announce@dnso.org ]
[ To: council@dnso.org, wg-b, wg-c, wg-d, wg-e ]
[ from http://www.dnso.org/dnso/notes/20000308.GAcairo-agenda.html ]
DNSO General Assembly Cairo Meeting on 8 March 2000 - agenda
3 March 2000
From Roberto Gaetano, GA Chair
Date, time and webcast
1. The DNSO General Assembly meeting in Cairo will be held on 8 March
2000, 9:00 - 12:00, [@ Cairo Sheraton, Saladin Hall] .
2. The GA will be webcast by Berkman Center, thanks to Ben Edelman
Access will be via http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/icann/cairo as usual.
Requires RealPlayer 5.0 or later and a 14.4Kbps or faster modem.
1. Status report
a. General Assembly report
A status report from the Chair on the general situation of the GA,
the main problems and issues
b. GA-list report
A status report from GA-Listadmin on the GA-list, rules in effect,
2. Main issues
a. GA Membership
* how shall GA Membership be related to ICANN Membership ?
* how shall GA Membership be related to GA-list subscription ?
* outreach
b. Organizational matters
* relationship between GA and NC
* GA Tasks - Task Groups to be started immediately, charter
thereof, volounteers, ...
3. Planning (Business Plan, deadlines, ...)
Information from: � DNSO General Assembly