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[wg-b] Closing date for comments on the WG-C report is extended

The closing date for comments on the WG-C report is extended to January
10th, 2000. Please note that all else in the original announcement below
remains the same, with only this one change.

[ archived on http://www.dnso/org/dnso/announce/Archives/msg00052.html ]

| [ To: council@dnso.org, wg-b, wg-c, wg-d, wg-e]
| [ To: announce@dnso.org, ga@dnso.org]
| Call for comments on the Interim Report from the WG-C, new gTLDs.
| The WG-C Interim Report is open for two weeks public comments,
| starting today November 17th, 1999, ending Wednesday, December 1th.
| All comments shall be sent to comments-gtlds@dnso.org, no later
| no later than December 1th, 1999 (18:00 CET). Any mail sent to
| any other e-mail address will not be considered.
| The full WG-C document is rather long and cannot be posted
| in a simple email. It includes 7 position papers.
| Please read it at:
|     http://www.dnso.org/dnso/notes/19991023.NCwgc-report.html
| The full archives of the WG-C are on line at:
|     http://www.dnso.org/wgroups/wg-c/Archives/maillist.html
| The WG-C is co-chaired by Javier Sola, named by the NC (liaison
| co-chair), and by Jonathan Weinberg, elected by the WG-C members
| (working co-chair).
| DNSO Secretariat