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[Please identify the constituency group, if any, that you are representing]
[] ccTLD Constituency
[] gTLD Constituency
[X] Registrars Constituency
[] Intellectual Property Constituency
[] Commercial and Business Entities Constituency
[] ISPs and Connectivity Providers
[] Non-commercial Domain Name Holder Constituency
[] I do not represent any Domain Name Supporting Organization, I am
participating in an individual capacity
[Please identify your region of citizenship (not residence)]
[] North America
[] Asia/Australia/Pacific
[X] Europe
[] Latin and S. America
[] Latin America/Caribbean Islands
[] Africa
[Please select ONE of the options listed below]
[X] Option A - Some type of mechanism, yet to be determined, is necessary in
connection with famous trademarks and the operation of the Domain Name
[] Option B - ICANN should not implement any mechanism for the protection of
famous marks, because other mechanisms are adequate
[] Option C - ICANN should not implement any mechanism for the protection of
famous marks, because it exceeds the scope of ICANN's authority
[] Option D - Both Option B & C
[] Option E - I choose to abstain from the voting process at this time
Mar�a Eguir�n
Tfno. 91 702 7741
Fax: 91 702 7744