James Love
Candidate in ICANNATLARGE.COM Interim Panel Election April 2002
This is my statement, all further links are here.
I think there are lots of good people who can do this, and people should vote for whoever they know and have some reasonable confidence they can move this along. I'm assuming the only real mission here is to make sure an election is held, fairly quickly. I am willing to help on this.... others would also do a fine job. My main platform issue is to keep the present webmaster, who does a great job, whoever it is.
My October 9, 2001 interview in Slashdot
Here is the web page for my 2000 unsuccessful candidacy for the DNSO position on the ICANN board.
Here is my CPTech home page
Contact me at james.love@cptech.org
James Love mobile +1.202.361.3040
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