Proposal for Formation of a Domain Name Supporting Organization
There is no single
organization that meets the exact requirements for the Domain Name Support
Organization ("DNSO") specified in the Draft
Bylaws of the reconstituted IANA
("the Bylaws"). Therefore, such an organization must be formed.
We present here the
start of a proposal for the formation of such an organization. We invite
interested parties to join us in completing this work, and presenting an
application to the reconstitued IANA for recognition as the DNSO.
Our proposal follows
the third draft of the Bylaws, VI.3.a.ii and VI.3.b, very closely, and
we have tried to present a structure that represents our best understanding
of what is required. Several points are worth special mention:
The phrase "any other
entities with legitimate interests in these issues" (VI.3.a.ii) is a very
broad membership qualification. Accordingly, we have designed the DNSO
so that essentially any interested entity can participate.
Funds from the DNSO
will represent a major part of the ongoing funding of a reconstituted IANA.
Two obvious possible sources of funds come to mind: a per-domain assessment
on domain registrations, and membership dues in the DNSO. Probably both
will be required. This is sure to be a controversial topic, however:
we present one alternative, but we expect a great deal of discussion on
this topic.
Even with dues, the
Name Registries and Registrars are likely to be a large source of funding
for the new organization. This places them in a unique role in the DNSO.
User and Industry groups have a different character, and deal much more
with issues of representation, which places them in a different category.
We deal with such issues by following a model similar to that in the Draft
Bylaws -- various classifications of members of the DNSO elect certain
numbers of members of the Governing Committee.
Given a very open structure
such as we propose, there are almost certain to be many members of the
DNSO, and we anticipate that there will necessarily be an executive committee
(we call it the "DNSO Governing Committee") that will conduct much of the
business of the DNSO. Thus, a significant part of our proposal deals
with the issue of how the Governing Committee will be elected, and how
such an election will meet the requirements specified in the Draft Bylaws.
As specified in the
Draft Bylaws, the DNSO will create a Names Council ("NC"). The NC
is an adjunct to the DNSO, and is an open membership organization.
We anticipate that dues will also be necessary for membership in the NC,
but they will be much less than the dues for a DNSO member, and are only
to cover administrative and other costs of running the NC. The NC
will elect some fraction of the Governing Committee.
A decision mechanism
for nominating Board members and deciding policy is a requirement from
the reconstituted IANA Bylaws. We have a proposal, but this is an
especially delicate area, and some further work seems necessary. We also
expect a great deal of spirited debate in this area.
This is a work in progress.
In places we have proposed alternatives; in other places there are simply
holes that need to be filled. We believe the general framework is
very flexible, but there are many parametric details that must be decided.
We also recognize that it may be necessary to change the framework.
It is clear that a DNSO
must be formed very quickly, and that there needs to be wide participation.
We invite you to join us in this effort. Please send your comments
and proposal for participation to <process@dnso.org>.
Thank you.
The gTLD-MoU Policy
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