The Barcelona meeting left a great many issues unresolved,
and uncertainty even about some basic definitions. Consequently,
the possible solution space for a rewritten Application is very large,
and the Drafting Committee simply did not have time to find an optimal
solution in that space.
Consequently, we have produced three alternative drafts. We don't
present these as alternatives from which one must be selected -- rather,
we present them as examples of the wide variety of possibilities.
Alternative one is closest to the
original. It attempts to include the consensus points from the Barcelona
meeting, with very little consideration of consequences or internal consistency.
Alternative two attempts to simplify
the structure in a manner that reflects some input from work in other SOs.
This attempt to a higher level consistency resulted in a renaming -- what
was the "governing committee" is now called the "names council", and what
was the "names council" now is "the membership".
Alternative three eliminates the
name "names council" entirely, since there is fundamental confusion as
to what the ICANN bylaws intended. What was the "names council" is
simply considered a category of membership in the DNSO. This draft
explores the implications of that kind of a structure. |