Article VI of the Bylaws of ICANN defines the requirement for a Domain
Name Support Organization (DNSO). Section 3.B of that Article requests
an application to be forthcoming to the ICANN Board of Directors proposing
the establishment of the DNSO and covering a list of items specified in
the section. It further implies that the ICANN Board expects to receive
only one proposal supported by a broad consensus of the interested parties.
An outline of an application to form the DNSO
has been prepared which has sections covering all the items required by
the ICANN Bylaws. However, it leaves many specific items to be determined.
It has been prepared by only one interested party in DNS matters. It is
the intention of that initiating party to jointly propose a final version
of the proposal to ICANN with as many other relevant parties as it can
in order to meet the consensus requirements of the Bylaws.
It is not intended to remain the property of any one party, but a joint
submission which will satisfy all of the party's expectations of the DNSO.
Nothing in the initial document is cast in stone but is subject to debate
and discussion to reach a final text.
Aims of the Barcelona Meeting
It is hoped that the majority of key players will attend the 3 day meeting
to debate, evaluate and decide on the many issues left open in the initial
draft proposal. The meeting will start with a few presentations by the
key players as to what is important to their constituency and how they
see these being covered in the DNSO's structure.
The majority of the meeting will be a facilitated debate to try to reach
consensus on as many open issues as possible, and, where consensus is not
possible within the time frame of the meeting, to bring out the differing
views within the document for more extended debate.
The output of the meeting is intended to be a revised version of a proposal
to ICANN for the establishment of the DNSO.
The meeting will only consider issues of the structure, operation and
scope of the DNSO. It will NOT begin debating or considering any of the
substantive matters which will be the subject of the DNSO itself, such
as the creation or not or new gTLDs, the position of ccTLDs with respect
to ICANN, the role of Registrars and Registries etc.
The aim is to prepare the specification of a new organization which
will be openly able to decide on all such matters for recommendation to
the ICANN Board.
Plan for the Meeting
Friday 16th |
Venue: Casa Llotja de Mar, Passeig Isabel II, 1 08003 - Barcelona.
Note: Entrance to the Llotja will be at Carrer del Consolat del mar (the
immediate parallel to Passeig Isabel II) |
1500 - 1600 |
Registration of attendees
Collection of fees |
1600 - 1630 |
Opening Session
Welcome by Jordi Masias on behalf of Mr. Antoni Negre i Villavecchia, President,
Cambra Oficial de Comerç, indústria i Navegació de
Barcelona (Barcelona Chamber of Commerce)
Local arrangements: Amadeu Abril i Abril, Fundació Catalana per
a la Recerca (Catalan Research Foundation)
1630 - 1930 (approx.) |
Session I - The Background
Chair: Amadeu Abril i Abril
This session will be an opportunity for each of the representatives
of the key interests involved to make a short (20 min) presentation to
the attendees of the key requirements of their constituencies:
The ICANN environment where DNSO must sit: David Maher (POC)
The ccTLD perspective: Bernard Turcotte (.CA) and Kilnam Chon (APTLD)
Registrars' expectations: Ken Stubbs (CORE Excom Chair)
Potential Registry Perspective: Jay Fenello (Iperdome)
Internet-related Industry: Neil Gibbs (ETNO) & Olivier Muron (France
The Trademark owners' needs: Carles Prat (MARQUES)
The general business community: Jordi Masias (Cambra oficial de Comerç,
Indústria i Navegació de Barcelona/Eurochambres)
Government concerns: Christopher Wilkinson (European Commission/DG XIII)
The session will close with a short brainstorming on whether new items
should be added to the following sessions, or whether items should be moved
from one session to another. |
Saturday 17th |
0900 - 1300
[30 min coffee break] |
Session II - Structural Issues
Chair: Dr. Nii Quaynor
This session will address issues concerning membership of DNSO:
the types of membership classes
eligibility for each class
financial "size"? employee "size"?
length of existence? incorporation status?
differences for each class?
how to get the "user" input
are users the same as DN Registrants?
are ISPs the same as Registrars?
are TM organizations sufficiently representative of business as a whole
disclosure requirements on members
Also to be addressed are issues surrounding an "Executive" for the DNSO:
is an executive/council of management needed?
if so, what size should it be?
what should its representative structure be?
would this executive be the Domain Names Council?
Lunch |
Nominalia/Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca invites all DNSO
Meeting participants for the Saturday lunch at El Gran Café! |
1530 - 1930
[30 min coffee break] |
Session III - Financial Matters
Chair: Tadao Takahashi
This session will cover:
membership fees
how apportioned among the membership classes
how to relate, if at all, to size of member
who sets the budget: executive/members/ICANN?
how voting relates to fees and membership classes
Sunday 18th |
0930 - 1300
[30 min coffee break] |
Session IV - Procedural Methods
Chair: Fay Howard
Covering issues of election process for the council and how the organization
makes decisions and gives its recommendations to the ICANN Board
powers of the council v powers of members
length of tenure of council members
methods of filling vacancies
majority for decision making (membership, council)
chairperson of council?
Also there is a need to cover methods for the discussion and resolution
of substantive issues
how are new proposals tabled
how is the discussion moderated
how should votes be taken (timetables, deadlines)
methods for selecting DNSO reps to the ICANN board
1530 - 1730 |
Session V - Final Drafting
A (perhaps smaller) group of representatives will meet to document the
findings of the meeting as a whole and to prepare a revised text of the
The output document will be made available on the WEB as soon as possible
with recommendations as to what the next steps are: submission, revision,
another meeting? |