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Re: PAB [kent@songbird.com: Onward]
- Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 15:38:18 -0500
- From: Michael Sondow <msondow@iciiu.org>
- Subject: Re: PAB [kent@songbird.com: Onward]
Kent Crispin a �crit:
> Within the Names Council decisions shall be arrived at through a
> rough consensus basis, to the extent possible. Such decisions
> shall be recorded as "consensus decisions". Consensus will be
> assessed by the Chair of the Names Council. If two or more Names
> Council members formally object to the measure in question, the
> Chair shall determine that a consensus has not been achieved, and
> shall call for a formal vote.
> In such cases where consensus cannot be achieved and a formal vote
> is deemed necessary, the matter shall be publicized before the DNSO
> for 15 days, and then a formal, public, recorded online vote of the
> Names Council shall be taken. The measure shall pass if two thirds
> of the votes cast are in the affirmative. However, in any policy
> recommendation the count shall be reported in full to ICANN, so
> that ICANN may independently judge the extent of support for the
> proposition.
> For any policy recommendation, regardless of the vote, the Names
> Council shall include any dissenting opinion developed through fair
> and open consensus processes from any Constituency.
So now you have, against all opposition and the clear contrary consensus at
Washington, decided that the NC will initiate and convey policy
recommendations without the approval of the membership?