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Re: [iana@ISI.EDU: SO note]

Dave Crocker a �crit:

> The benefit of taking the copy-and-modify approach you suggest is that it
> has very, very strong compatibility with ICANN and, therefore, the ultimate
> in defensibility.  

Defensibility to whom? ICANN?

> Any challenge to the DNSO's concepts and organizations
> necessarily accrue equally to ICANN itself.  

Not at all, if the DNSO is incorporated separately.

> Hence it is unlikely that
> ICANN could fault the DNSO's concepts or organization.

Is that the goal - to avoid having ICANN find fault with the DNSO? Did your
daddy spank you a lot?

> I believe that all the downsides are inherent in the entire ICANN-based
> approach, whatever those downside might be.  

I have never seen a more incoherent string of words written by someone on these
lists. You win the boob prize.

> Since we all are already stuck
> with whatever those downsides are, there is no INCREMENTAL detriment to
> having the DNSO copy them.  

No one is stuck with anything, unless they either want to be or are too stupid
to negotiate what's best for them.

> To the extent that there might be benefit in
> seeking conceptual or organizational diversity (different structure,
> different venue of incorporation, etc.) those benefits are currently
> hypothetical.

Everything is currently hypothetical. Why accept other people's hypotheses?

> The nice thing about tight deadlines is that they create strong focus.

And confusion. And error.

> Consequently, hypothetical benefits look less interesting.  Expedience
> looks more interesting.

Exepedience is always interesting to cowards.