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Re: Hotel rates
- Date: Sun, 01 Nov 1998 11:19:24 -0500
- From: Michael Sondow <msondow@iciiu.org>
- Subject: Re: Hotel rates
Rick H. Wesson a �crit:
> I called the hotel and the staff spoke more english than i spoke
> spanish, they were nice and confirmed the rate.
> -rick
Do you mean call the hotel directly, as someone suggested, instead of
the Holiday Inn 800 number? OK, I'll give it a try. The other messages
on the list sort of put me off calling.(Maybe I'll fax them. Darn, I
wish they'd use e-mail :) )
As a matter of fact I do speak Spanish. I was concerned about people who
don't. Nice to know I can get by in English, though. I don't know too
many Spanish expletives.
Thanks for the help.
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