Names Council Budget Committee
Teleconference on 19 December 2001

19 December 2001.
(5:00 Los Angeles, 8:00 New York, 13:00 UTC, 14:00 Paris)

List of attendees
Elisabeth Porteneuve
Marilyn Cade
Antonio Harris
Ken Stubbs
Roger Cochetti
Chuck Gomes
Louis Touton
Peter de Blanc absent excused
Vany Martinez absent excused
Philip Sheppard absent excused
Erica Roberts absent
Glen de Saint Géry
Verification of telephone patch-in for Vany, unable to join

Agenda Item 1: Current Financial report
There is a sum of $59K in receivables from constituency dues not paid.
$4 to $5 in payables pending

Agenda item 2: Issues associated with current financial reports
a). How to credit constituency payments: oldest versus newest debts?

  1. ICANN management has credited towards recent payments, this year's dues and last year's dues are unpaid.

  2. What is the practise we want ICANN to use?

General accounting practise is to pay the oldest debt first and that would probably be required by ICANNs acountants as well
Consequences for constituencies: eventual loss of voting rights after a long process.
It was decided not to go with the discussion in the absence of a non-commercial representative.

b). Request from Registrar constituency for a refund.
The general opnion was that the registrar constituency should be refunded. It should be made clear that this was a one time refund and that it was incumbent on the Registrars constituency to see no excess dues are sent to ICANN.
A proposal by Chuck, modified by Roger and seconded by Elisabth Porteneuve:
"It is recommended as of 31st December 2001 to ask ICANN management that whatever excess amount is over from the first, second, and third calls be immediately refunded to the Registrar Constituency and that the Registrar constituency immediately informs its members and potential members that no further transfer shoud be made to ICANN. That it is understood that this is a one time refund."
The propsal was passed unanamously.

c). Notices to DNSO constituencies for for failure to pay dues.
Notices will be posted on the DNSO website on December 24, 2001 announcing the delinquent constituencies, namely, the ccTLDs and the NCDNHC.
For the ISP constituency there is no actvity at this stage.

Agenda Item 3:Four outstanding invoices from Glen de St Géry and AFNIC for 2002
The budget committee voted in favour of paying the outstanding invoices to Glen and AFNIC.
During the call Elisabeth reported that AFNIC had just received the full amount -$30 000.

Agenda Item 4: Administrative matters
a) Service contract with Glen de St Géry
The budget committee agreed that 2 contracts were persuasive as it permits both parties to be addressed separately and gives more flexibility
Roger proposed a motion
1. There is a preference for 2 contracts
2. AFNIC to coordinate fully with Glen, accept guidance, except in those areas that would jeopardise matters at a technical level for AFNIC.

b) Payments previously authorised
These were approved

c) AFNIC intellectual property rights.
The documentation drawn up does not deprive Elisabeth or AFNIC of ownership of software it deals with usage rights.
It was agreed that the principal difference was 2 different IPs:
the voting software
the content posted on the website
To be consistent with normal practise, the budget committee recommends the statements following:
-that the DNSO/NC have long-term,unrestricted rights to use the software
-that the above agreement be drawn up in French as well.
-that ICANN as the legal agent, acting on behalf of the DNSO has the right to the content on the website.

Ken Stubbs proposed to thank Elisabeth Porteneuve for all the work that she put into the DNSO secretariat over the years.

Another budget committee meeting was scheduled for early January to discuss the last item, 2002 DNSO Budget

The meeting ended at 10.30 Washington DC time (17.50 Paris)

DNSO Secretariat