DNSO Names Council Teleconference on September 15th, 1999 - results

September 16, 1999.

Proposed agenda and related documents:


Adopted agenda:

  1. Election of ICANN Board Members
  2. Election of Permanent Names Council Members
  3. WG-D Report
  4. Schedule of Meetings In LA (delayed to September 23rd)
  5. The DNSO Business Plan and Budget (delayed to September 23rd)

Next telecon will be held on September 23rd, same time.
The Chair will be Dennis Jennings (ccTLD)

List of attendees:
   Tony Harris             ISPCP
   Hirofumi Hotta          ISPCP
   Michael Schneider       ISPCP             absent
   Jon Englund             Business          absent
   Javier Sola             Business
   Theresa.Swinehart       Business          left after item(3)
   Amadeu Abril i Abril    Registrars
   Ken Stubbs              Registrars
   Richard Lindsay         Registrars
   Don Telage              gTLD              left after item(3)
   Ted Shapiro             IP                absent
   Caroline Chicoine       IP                absent
   Jonathan Cohen          IP                replaced by Victoria Carrington
   Dennis Jennings         ccTLD  
   Patricio Poblete        ccTLD
   Nigel Roberts           ccTLD             left in the middle item(1)
   Raul Echeberria         NCDNH
   Kathryn Kleiman         NCDNH             absent
   Youn Jung Park          NCDNH
   Ben Edelman             Berkman Center, webcast
   Elisabeth Porteneuve    DNSO Secretariat

Chair Dennis Jennings (ccTLD)

Quorum present

  1. Election of ICANN Board Members
  2. Issues:

    1. timescale
    2. nominations
    3. elections (electorate, election administrator, results)
    4. mathematical algorithm to be used
    5. geographic diversity
    6. anticipation of incompatibility between NC and ICANN Board positions

      Decisions and actions:

      • Decision 1:

        The 3 ICANN Board directors from the DNSO shall be elected no later than October 15th, 1999. The call for nominations shall be published on the dnso.org website and sent to the General Assembly no later than September 17. The nomination process will open on September 18, and will last for 3 weeks ending October 8th. The vote will last for one week, starting October 9th and ending October 16th. The exact hour will be given by the DNSO Secretariat.

      • Decision 2:

        Javier Sola and the DNSO Secretariat (Elisabeth Porteneuve) will prepare the call for nominations. Each candidate shall answer a set of questions, and be supported by at least 10 persons from the General Assembly.

      • Decision 3:

        The DNSO secretariat is in charge of elections, and will announce the results.

      • Decision 4:

        The General Assembly of the DNSO includes:

        1. members of all 7 DNSO Constituencies
        2. members of both General Assembly (ga@dnso.org) and Announce (announce@dnso.org) mailing lists

      Members of WG's lists who are neither members of any Constituency nor subscribers to any of the above mailing lists shall subscibe to any of them, if they wish to participate in elections.

      As the Announce and General Assembly list are open, anybody wishing to participate in the election process may subscribe to one of these lists and be considered a member of the General Assembly.

    7. Decision 5:

      The DNSO secretariat will set up adequate mailing lists for the voting. Votes will remain secret during voting time, but afterwards all records will be made public.

    8. Decision 6:

      The choice of the mathematical algorithm to be used remain pending until the next NC telecon, September 23rd. All proposed algorithms will be published on the website. The algorithm proposed by Javier will be accepted if no other proposal is approved by the Names Council by September 23rd.

      The Berkman Center is requested to provide advice.

    9. Decision 7:

      The geographic diversity of elected directors shall be based on the ICANN Bylaws, i.e. the criteria of citizenship.

    10. Decision 8:

      It is anticipated that the geographic diversity of the ICANN Board as a whole shall start with the geographic diversity of members elected by its SOs.

    11. Decision 9:

      It is anticipated that there is an incompatibility between NC and ICANN Board positions if held by the same person. The candidates for ICANN Board elections being members of the DNSO NC shall state if they will resign if elected to the ICANN Board.

    12. Election of Permanent Names Council Members
    13. Issues:

      1. timescale
      2. only the permanent NC members will be allowed to vote for the ICANN Board members
      3. feedback from Constituencies concerning waivers and elections for permanent NC members is necessary for the DNSO as a whole
      4. ICANN Bylaws shall be respected

      Decisions and actions:

    14. WG-D Report
    15. Issues:

      1. report on gTLDs is mandatory (White Paper, ICANN mandate)
      2. gTLDs is a very controversial subject requiring a high responsability
      3. the WG-C shall provide a report for October 15th

      Decisions and actions:

    Information from:
    � DNSO Names Council