ccTLD Constituency of the DNSO
ccTLD Administrative Committee teleconference minutes
ccTLD constituency members, we will have February ccTLD Teleconference on Feb. 21 Monday. let us know if you have any item to be discussed. please also contact Peter if you would like to participate the teleconference. chon PS: will attach the agenda and draft minutes of the January Teleconference. ****************************************************************************** ccTLD AdCom teleconf agenda Date: 2000.1.24 1. ccTLD's Name Council member election expecting the committee report. 2. Cairo Meeting Schedule ccTLD Constituency Meeting on March 6 afternoon? any other meeting on ccTLD? 3. ICANN budget and ccTLD's contribution ICANN budget for next year will be proposed at Cairo Meeting. ccTLD's contribution to ICANN shall be discussed. 4. ccTLD's contribution of $5000 to Names Council webcasting for 2000. 5. Names Council report 6. Working Groups report 7. General Assembly report 8. ccTLD Administration Committee election 9. ICANN Open Forum Agenda ccTLD delegation and administration policies ****************************************************************************** ---- Forwarded message from Peter de Blanc <> ----- Return-Path: <> Received: from ( []) by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id FAA04925; Wed, 2 Feb 2000 05:33:07 +0900 (KST) Received: (from majordom@localhost) by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id UAA03952 for cctld-discuss-outgoing; Tue, 1 Feb 2000 20:24:35 GMT Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2000 20:24:35 GMT From: "Peter de Blanc" <> To: <> Cc: <> Subject: [cctld-discuss] Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2000 16:30:53 -0400 Message-ID: <000501bf6cf3$3ce979d0$> Sender: ccTLA AdCOM Telecon Mon 31 Jan 2000 Attending: Dennis Kilnam Peter Agenda: here is the initial list of topics to be discussed at the next Monday's ccTLD AdCom teleconf; 1. ccTLD's Name Council member election expecting the committee report. 2. Cairo Meeting Schedule ccTLD Constituency Meeting on March 6 afternoon? any other meeting on ccTLD? 3. ICANN budget and ccTLD's contribution ICANN budget for next year will be proposed at Cairo Meeting. ccTLD's contribution to ICANN shall be discussed. 4. ccTLD's contribution of $5000 to Names Council webcasting for 2000. 5. Names Council report 6. Working Groups report 7. General Assembly report Observing: Elizabeth Agenda item 1. Re ccTLD NC elections: Dennis: 1.1 ICANN Board gave us a waiver thru 15 Jan, 2000, and we have until 31 Jan to produce "terms of reference", or a document telling ICANN how we will insure "geographic diversity". Said document to show how we will produce 3 NC members who are citizens of 3 different regions. 1.2. Do we want to accept ICANN rules? 1.3. If so, on what time scale? 1.4 If we decide to abide by these rules- 1.4.1 What are they? 1.4.2 How do we get it (the geographic diversity)? 1.4.3 If we achieve it, do we then have a forced rotation at the end of the term? Kilnam: I do not wish to go for formal rotation. Dennis: A 3 year term is too long, it should be 2 years Yes, 2 years with overlap- no forced rotation, Dennis will work out a plan. Meanwhile- we present it to ICANN, If ICANN excludes us (ccTLDs) "so be it" Dennis will post by 31 Jan a memo to ICANN Agenda Item 2 We'll review the Cairo schedule, and slot in some meetings for ccTLD, possibly AdCOM Mon AM 10-12 noon. Agenda Item 3 3.1 ICANN wants approx 30% from us. We intend involved in the discussion of next year's ICANN budget. 3.2 Task force on this- Willie Black, who suggests "bands" of $ 1 K, 10K, 25K, 50K, to get to $ 1.5 mil for current year. 3.3 At CENTR, there is $ 400,000 on the table as an offer. 3.4. Kilnam- our model will be different. Let's come up with a number for 1999 3.5. Dennis will circulate a memo on the CENTR model. 3.6. We don't like tying dollars per name registered. We must consider the GNP of the country as well. 3.7 Kilnam will develop a set of guidelines, based on quantity of names, price per name, GDP/GNP for years 2000-2001. 3.8. Meanwhile, what inputs should ccTLDs formally have in the budget process (setting the budget). . Dennis: CENTR says there should be a ccTLD rep on the ICANN budget committee., and perhaps extra board members. Peter: "No taxation without representation"- we MUST have ccTLD board level positions guaranteed if we are participating in the financing of ICANN. 3.9 Dennis- In Cairo, let's establish a new ccTLD organization, and consider addressing "Best Practices" for ccTLDs Delegation/ReDelegation process Advising to ICANN Seek to have Board Members Have a regionally based board Possibly locate the HQ in Geneva. Kilnam- should we discuss the funding issues with NSI & gTLD's ? possibly early Monday AM or Tuesday? 4.0 $ 5000 contribution- a number of ccTLDs, and CENTR have offerred contributions. There is/are no invoices sent to anyone as yet, or any indication where the money should be paid to. 5.0. NC report - nothing that is not on lists 6.0 WG report - nothing that is not on lists 7.0 GA report - nothing that is not on lists 8.0 (new) AdCom election- Dennis- Each region should appoint a member for the coming year, 5 regions plus IATLD Kilnam will enter this discussion in list 9. ICANN open forum agenda: Delegation and Policies Best Practices Procedure to Deligate/ReDeligate GAC and CENTR working on a document Peter- ccTLD's should determine their own "Best Practices", and make recommendations As for delegation issue- "There should be a process and guidelines in place while remaining silent about who (might have) (has) the right to redelegate or to put new zones into the root. Dennis will have a document after his Malta conference, (this week), and will post same. AD Com will reconvene 21 Feb 2000, same time. Peter will set up Teleconf and post info to AdCom list. peter de Blanc -- ccTLD Constituency of the DNSO Discussion Mailing List (Formerly ----- End forwarded message ----- -- ccTLD Constituency of the DNSO Discussion Mailing List (Formerly
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