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RE: [nc-udrp] UDRP Review Questionnaire.DOC

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This looks great .  I prefer to leave the options in the questions 2 and 13 because I think it will make people address each issue - maybe there should be more space for a general comment as well here?\par
Q3 is an important addition.  Well spotted!\par
\pard\li360\cf0\protect\f1\fs16 -----Original Message-----\par
\protect0\pard\protect\fi-1440\li1800\tx1440\b From:\tab\b0 Chicoine, Caroline G. [SMTP:CCHICOINE@thompsoncoburn.com]\par
\b Sent:\tab\b0 02 November 2001 00:11\par
\b To:\tab\b0 'nc-udrp@dnso.org'\par
\b Subject:\tab\b0 [nc-udrp] UDRP Review Questionnaire.DOC\par
\b Importance:\tab\b0 High\par
Okay, just running a little behind schedule and also wanted to run one last\par
draft by you all before sending it to the Secretariat for posting.  Tonight\par
I will be reviewing it for typos and may rearrange the order of some\par
questions if they seem out of place.  I am looking to you all for substance\par
and any glaring problems I may have missed.  I did my best to take into\par
account everyone's comments over the past couple of days.\par
Two questions I would like your input on are questions 2,3and 12.    With\par
respect to 2 and 13th, would you all rather we leave out any choices and\par
simply let them answer the question, or do you think the choices help get\par
them focused?  Question 3 is new (I noticed after reviewing this several\par
times that we never asked this question and I thought it was an important\par
questions on which to get feedback)  Question 11 is not new in the sense\par
that Tim mentioned in twice and it never got picked up.\par
Thanks for all your input to date.  I will wait until 1 pm central standard\par
time to get any last minute comments and then finalize it and send it to the\par
Secretariat for posting.  Erick and Dan, once it is posted, I will look to\par
you to translate it and send your translation directly to the DNSO\par
Secretariat with a copy to nc-udrp@dnso.org.\par
 <<UDRP Review Questionnaire.DOC>> \par
 << File: UDRP Review Questionnaire.DOC >> \par

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