DNSO Mailling lists archives


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The Budget Committee hereby decides to accept the offer of ICANN Management
to administer the funds voluntarily collected for the DNSO at no charge to
the DNSO, understanding, however, that ICANN management will dispense these
funds according to instructions from the Names Council or its designee,
unless ICANN management formally notifies the Names Council and its Budget
Committee that it cannot dispense funds as directed by the Names Council or
its designee because to do so would either be illegal or jeopardize ICANN's
tax status.

Moreover, if ICANN management does not accept this proposal within five days
of its delivery to them, the Budget Committee decides to proceed with the
establishment of a custodial relationship for these voluntary funds by a
non-profit corporation that would be organized in, and under the laws of,
France; recognizing that this French non-profit organization may establish a
bank account for the DNSO's voluntary fund with a bank either inside or
outside of France. 

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