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RE: [nc-budget] Job description v3

You did a good job of integrating the tasks into one set of objectives, but the end result convinces me more than ever that we need to separate the technical/operational tasks into a separate job description.  I am afraid if we solicit proposals to provide all of this support, we will receive proposals way beyond our budget.  At a minimum I think we would need to have bidders separate technical/operational support costs from other support costs with the understanding that resulting contracts may include some subset of the total support listed in the job description.
Another approach would be to start off with Erica's original, shorter (higher level) job description and request expressions of interest.  After identifying the best expressions of interest, we could then provide the detailed job description for detailed proposals.
I'm curious as to what others think.
-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Sheppard [mailto:philip.sheppard@aim.be]
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 10:07 AM
To: DNSO budget
Subject: [nc-budget] Job description v3

Further to Chuck's proposal and bearing in mind Erica's suggestion to keep the operational details concise, I have done a cut and paste job with a tad of editing of the job description last circulated by Chuck. This incorporates the basis of Elisabeth's operational detail within the four objectives structure.
Following the discussion to stress the importance of objective 4 (outreach/consensus building) I have also taken a guess at the relative time-allocation we want to flag to each of the four objectives. So, comments on these percentages please.
It is attached in Word. I hope this pulls together what we want to see as the job description.
Philip Sheppard
AIM - European Brands Association
9  av. des Gaulois  B-1040 Brussels
Tel +322 736 0305 Fax +322 734 6702

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